
Monday, 17 June 2013

How to Calm Down the Crazies

I know we all have them... the crazy weeks, the ones where every minute seems scheduled, planned, or just plain rushed.

That was my week last week. Pure insanity.

Today is the last day where 2 of my kids extracurricular activities over lap - so it will be nice to get by tonight so that we only have one sport to attend on Mondays for the rest of the summer.. Last week saw sporting events, school trips, birthday parties (one for my princess, and one to attend), party prepping, meetings, and every Mom's never ending cleaning/laundry/cooking routine.

What do you do after a crazy week? 

I'd like to take a week and calm it down. No plans, just having fun playing outside with no commitments of having to be here, there, or anywhere. Time to just be together as a family, and enjoy each others company.

Sadly, it's going to be a busy couple of weeks coming up too... as we prepare for vacation - our first in a few years. It's about an 18 hour drive with 3 kids and 2 adults (it can be done in 15 with just adults and only stopping for gas). But with the kids we like to stop and give them some time to run and stretch.

So we have planning, prepping, and packing for vacation. Soccer games and practices, final swimming lessons, the ending of school, vehicle checks, food/meal planning. Lots of stuff to fill my days, never mind the regular cooking/laundry/cleaning routine with three little ones. And of course finishing a crochet blanket for a friend of the family, and trying to get ready for our new baby that should be arriving in September. Just lots to do.

I'm hoping vacation will be a good time to just relax and enjoy our together time. I'm even looking forward to the 18 hour drive - that might make me crazy - but I can't wait to just sit there and not have to do anything for 18 hours!!

Speaking of long drives.... what do you do for your kids on long drives?

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